A 3-Phase Approach to Returning to Work: Communicating Your Company’s Way Through COVID-19 with Whispir + Vonage
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Provider: Vonage
Category: Leadership Guide
Document Type: Article
Title: A 3-Phase Approach to Returning to Work: Communicating Your Company’s Way Through COVID-19 with Whispir + Vonage
Telemitra’s Overview
As remote work begins to transition back into working out of the office, many employees have raised questions regarding their safety. How will the company be kept safe? Will there be face-to-face customer interaction? What does returning to the office mean for business travel if employees take public transportation? How will your business treat this new work environment differently?
Whispir and Vonage can offer your company guidance in traversing through this uncertain time, all while providing templates for each different stage of your business’s instituted plans in order to communicate honestly and clearly with employees and clients. Through their 3-phase approach of return-to-work solutions, your business will be able to “effectively manage staff, supplier and customer advisory updates on policy”, all while informing, re-instituting, and adapting.
With Whispir’s visual communication platform integrated with Vonage APIs, your business will be enabled to create, design, deploy, and maintain communication over various channels while having security and scalability ensured in order to engage and adapt alongside your increasing global audiences.
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