Whether you’re considering going public, private, virtual, or hybrid, DSM’s cloud services make your move easy.
Questions? (856) 214-2499 [email protected]
With DSM, you own your hardware and you locate it in one or more of DSM’s data centers for security, compliance, and uptime. With Virtual Private Cloud services, DSM delivers a VMware-based cloud through our secure data centers. You use this service like a utility. You pay only for what you consume.
Optimizing your move to the cloud is our primary objective.
We do this with a unique bundle of solutions that put you on an operationally and financially safe path. We have tightly integrated our infrastructure and service elements into one easy-to-procure bundle. Your organization’s safest path to the cloud may not be best served by a fully integrated cloud bundle. We will work with you to select only the cloud bundle elements necessary for your organization. Customizing just the right solutions from these flexible options is easy and allows you to address your immediate need quickly, and at state contract pricing for government agencies.

Get in Touch
(856) 214-2499
[email protected]
Open Hours
10am – 5pm Weekdays
Our Office
422 N Oak Avenue
Pitman, NJ 08071