Forrester Consulting TEI Study
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Document Overview
Provider: Conga
Category: TEI Study
Document Type: Infographic
Title: Forrester Consulting TEI Study Infographic
Telemitra’s Overview
Your company is in need of a powerful contract lifecycle management solution that can save your money, accelerate your business, and boost revenue, all while reducing business risks. Look no further than to Conga Contracts and Conga Contracts for Salesforce, two contract lifecycle management solutions that will save your teams energy with its automation features.
Conga Contracts is a CLM solution created to generate, track, maintain, and report different business contracts, all while automating contract lifecycle steps, such as creation, negotiation, approval, and renewal. Conga Contracts for Salesforce works to streamline and accelerate contract negotiations, all without leaving Salesforce. Both Conga CLM solutions are designed to minimize time while acting as a cost-effective CLM solution with total functionality.
Download Forrester Consulting’s Total Economic Impact study to discover more about Conga’s CLM solutions and how your business can increase revenue, boost its teams’ productivity, and lessen the blow of financial burdens due to a hefty amount of time spent on projects.
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