HFM Investment Advisors save 1,000+ hours creating customer financial action plans with Conga.
Case Study
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Provider: Conga
Category: Leadership Guide
Document Type: Case Study
Title: HFM Investment Advisors save 1,000+ hours creating customer financial action plans with Conga.
Telemitra’s Overview
HFM Investment Advisors are a team of agents that provide financial advice for clients, including budgeting, taxes, debt, and many other services. Their guidance requires accountability that is created following a client action plans’ structure, highlighting what their clients’ personal goals are through multipage documents. HFM’S advisors would utilize spreadsheets to gather their clients’ information in order to format a report, though the time it took to create reports was taking a significant drain on their resources.
HFM turned to Conga for a solution. Conga is a digital transformation company that finds solutions best suited for their clients’ by simplifying and automating documents, contracts, and eSignature features. Conga introduced HFM to Conga Composer, a feature that systematically produces Salesforce documents through manual input and customizable options. Composer works to help improve company efficiency, increase productivity of employees, and increase overall quality of its customer financial action plans. By reducing time, Composer ensures that there will be more opportunity for employees to develop more content throughout a single work day.Â
Composer will also improve customer and employee communications while enhancing the accuracy of data and quality in documents. Dig a little deeper and see for yourself how Conga’s solutions can amplify your business by simplifying the way you produce documents and contracts, all while keeping you ahead of the industry.
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