Self-Healing, Redundant & Path Diverse Fixed Wireless Dedicated Internet Access. 10/10 Gbps to 10/10 Mbps.
Questions? (856) 214-2499 [email protected]
Natural Wireless
Natural Wireless fixed wireless technology delivers high-capacity, dedicated, and symmetrical broadband connectivity with true redundancy and benefits you won’t find with other providers.
Fixed Wireless by Natural Wireless provides all business verticals 100% path diversity from any circuit coming into a building from the basement point of entry. Natural Wireless owns, operates, and manages the largest private 100% pure Fixed Wireless network infrastructure across all five boroughs of New York City and Northern New Jersey. Natural Wireless customers are guaranteed a pure Fixed Wireless dedicated Internet circuit from hardened data-center to physical client hand-off. Natural Wireless can deliver any dedicated Internet speed between 10/10 Mbps and 10/10 Gbps fully installed and online within five business days of approval.
Services Provided
- Event Solutions
- Business Voice
- Business Internet
Get in Touch
(856) 214-2499
[email protected]
Open Hours
10am – 5pm Weekdays
Our Office
422 N Oak Avenue
Pitman, NJ 08071