Remote Learning, Homeschooling, and Childcare: How Communications Tech Is Meeting Unexpected Demands
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Provider: Vonage
Category: Leadership Guide
Document Type: Article
Title: Remote Learning, Homeschooling, and Childcare: How Communications Tech Is Meeting Unexpected Demands
Telemitra’s Overview
Due to the pandemic, remote learning and homeschooling for students of all ages has become essential parts of the education of children. With the necessity of the continuation of schooling, parents and guardians found themselves scrambling to provide an enriching circumstance for their children that would not deplete their prior in-class schooling experiences.
School isn’t just about education; it’s about childcare– with both schools and childcare facilities closed, parents struggle to “fill both of these gaps”; even with some schools and child-care facilities reopening, parents may still be wading in fear over whether it’s safe for their children to return or not.
Vonage, a cloud-communications provider, offers solutions during these troubling times. Communications APIs from Vonage, including, but not limited to, Video API, Messages API, and Verify API, are all tools allowing for education-related companies and organizations to construct applications utilized for the home-schooling process. Vonage’s Communications APIs offer learning continuity, control and personalization over customer experiences, increased user satisfaction, and integrated workflows.
Through their unified communications, virtual education through video collaboration is made possible as well, allowing students both nation-wide and globally to enroll, communicate, and learn.
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