The World’s First SASE Platform
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Provider: Cato Networks
Document Type: Brochure
Title: The World’s First SASE Platform
Telemitra’s Overview
Is your business transitioning to a digital platform? Perhaps your company has already transferred to a digital landscape, and you’re experiencing difficulties with your network? Is it adaptable enough to handle a fully digital environment while the work-from-home matter of things has become business as usual?
Introducing Cato Network, the world’s first SASE platform that converges SD-WAN and network security into a global cloud-native service, and its solution brief, one that acknowledges the challenges that network and security face while digital transforming a business.
“Digital business means a cloud-first, fast, and agile business, something that is incompatible with legacy telcos and network services” — there must be a solution that will eliminate any of these complications or difficulties regarding transforming a business’s work environment digitally while maintaining the efficiency and reliability of their network and security. Cato Network acknowledges and tackles these concerns, providing a backbone to each network.
Delve into this case study to learn more about the features Cato Network can deliver to your teams in order to boost and optimize your network security, such as encryption, next-generation firewall, secure web gateway, cloud datacenter integration, and more!
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